[MT6580] [7.1.2] [OMS] Lineage OS 14.1 v0.6 Rom For MT6580 || Kernel 3.18.19+ MM

[MT6580] [7.1.2] [OMS] Lineage OS 14.1 v0.6 Rom For MT6580 || Kernel 3.18.19+ MM

[MT6580] [7.1.2] [OMS] Lineage OS 14.1 v0.6 Rom For MT6580 || Kernel 3.18.19+ MM
MT6580 Marshmallow Kernel Custom Rom - Lineage OS 14.1 v0.6 Android 7.1.2 Nougat Based Custom Rom For MediaTek MT6580 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 3.18.19+ Kernel.

[MT6580] [7.1.2] Lineage OS 14.1 N Rom For MT6580 || Kernel 3.18.19+ MM

Lineage OS 14.1 v0.6 Rom is smooth & stable rom. Lineage OS 14.1 v0.6 Rom Main Developer and Modded Developer Unknown. This rom Build For MT6580 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 3.18.19+ Kernel.

Disclaimer : If you flash any Custom Rom your Android warranty has been voided. If you used it please work at your own risk. If your android is destroyed then Rom Claims is not responsible your comment.
LOS 14.1 Rom Info
Rom NameLineage OS 14.1
Based OnAosp, Cyanogenmod
Rom OS VersionAndroid Nougat v7.1.2
Rom TypeDeodex
Current Stable VersionUnofficial v0.6 Beta
Stable Build Date04-Nov-2017
Stock OS VersionAndroid Marshmallow v6.0.1
Kernel VersionLinux 3.18.19+
ChipsetMediaTek - MT6580
Powered ByRom Claims™
Build ByIbrahim Fath El-bab
Build ForMT6580 MM Kernel
Supported LanguageMulti Language Supported
Rom Build Date09-Nov-2017

Show More : [MT6580] [6.0.1] Sony Xperia MM Rom For MT6580 || Kernel 3.18.19+ MM

LOS 14.1 Features :

- Smooth And Stable
Dual Sim Card & Dual Sim 3G Supported
- Android 7.1.2 Nougat LOS 14.1 Based Rom
- Fully Deodex Rom
- Wifi
- Hotspot
- Bluetooth
- Vpn
- Ril
- FM Radio
- Audio
- Camera
- Internet Connection
- Offline Charging
- Audio Recording
- Video Recording
- Sensor
- Adb root
- Headphone
- USB Connected to PC
- And many more...

LOS 14.1 Bugs :

- Google Play FC

What's Working :
- Everything is working fine & perfectly

LOS 14.1 Changelogs :

#Lineage OS 14.1 Changelog v0.1 (Build 2017-10-14) :
- The backlight works when the screen is off during a call (FIXED)
- Backlighting works when the screen is locked (FIXED)
- Screen brightness does not change (FIXED)
- widget not working after restart (FIXED)
- Green camera (FIXED)
- Camera focus (FIXED)
- Video recording (FIXED
- Low icon signal (FIXED)
- Swapped SIM cards (FIXED)
- All languages have been added
- USB Connected to PC
- More Smooth And Stable...

#Lineage OS 14.1 Changelog v0.2 (Build 2017-10-19) :
- OMS support for substratum theme engine
- Offline charging does not work (FIXED)
- Green front camera (FIXED)
- YouTube (FIXED)

#Lineage OS 14.1 Changelog v0.3 (Build 2017-10-19) :
- Some FC (FIXED)

#Lineage OS 14.1 Changelog v0.4 (Build 2017-10-26) :
- Stock video player (FIXED)
- Video recording but Saving video fails
- Colored led notification added
- Flash led notification added
- CDMA to GSM Patch added
- Pixel 2 Launcher added
- Pharaohs Site App added
- N tweaks added

#Lineage OS 14.1 Changelog v0.5 (Build 2017-11-02) :
- No 3rd camera apps working (FIXED)
- Can't add new Contacts(FIXED)
- Drak camera issue (FIXED)
- Sms sand Fc (FIXED)
- Some LAG (FIXED)

#Lineage OS 14.1 Changelog v0.6 (Build 2017-11-04) :
- Headset (Fixed useing SoundAbout 3rd party app)
- Substratum fully working fine

LOS 14.1 ScreenShots :

LOS 14.1 Download Link :

- LOS 14.1 v0.6 Rom For MT6580 MM (Size : 365.7 MB) | Mirror

- Gapps [Recommended-Arm-7.1-Pico]

How To Install LOS 14.1 :
- Download All Zip File And Past Sd Card First Page Under.
- Go To Recovery Mode Using TWRP or Philz Recovery.
- Wipe Data, Cache, System, Dalvik Cache.
- Go To Install Option and Select All Zip File Step by Step and Install it.
- After Flash Complete Click Restart and Wait Some Times.
- Done

Credits :

- Ibrahim Fath El-bab
- Rock12
- Adtiya kr
- Frie855
- Olegsvs
- SeriniTY320
- DeckerSU
- Rom Claims™
- S M Nahid Emon
- FS Ashraful
- And Many More...

[Note : Please share this custom rom any place and if you need any help comment below]
Custom Rom MT6580 MM

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